Dr Ahmed
Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi: M.Litt, D.Phil (Oxford University) is a social anthropologist and a member of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford. He is co-founder and a Trustee of The Sudanese Programme. He is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute and member of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Northern Ireland. He attended and contributed to conferences in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the USA. He taught social anthropology at the universities of Khartoum, Republic of Sudan, Newcastle Upon Tyne. He undertook occasional teaching and supervision at the Oriental Faculty and African Studies Centre at University of Oxford. He conducted extensive anthropological research on the Shaygiyya tribe of northern Sudan in particular and northern Sudan in general, funded by the Ford and Nuffield Foundations.
Among his many publications on the Sudan and the Middle East are the following books:
(Editor and Contributor) The Arab World and North Africa 1973; (Author) La republique du Soudan, 1979; (Editor with F.C.T. Moore, and Contributor) Wisdom from the Nile, 1978; (Author) Themes from Northern Sudan, 1986; (Editor and Contributor) The Diversity of the Muslim Community: Anthropological Essays in Memory of Peter Lienhardt, 1987; (Editor with Denis MacEoin and Contributor) Islam in the Modern World, 1985, re-issued in 2013; (Editor with Richard Lawless and Contributor) Middle East and North African Immigrants in Europe, 2005; (Editor with Bona Malwal) Sudan: A Long Transition into Two States, 2012; (Co-author) Wisdom from the Nile, 1978 (in English) and 2016 (in Arabic), and Wisdom from the Desert, 2018; and (Editor) Letters from Kuwait 1953-1955 by Peter Lienhardt (in English and Arabic), 2017. He edited with introduction two books, originally written by Peter Lienhardt on the Gulf Shaikhdoms: Disorientations: a society in flux. Kuwait in the 1950s, 1993; and Shaikhdoms of Eastern Arabic, 2001. Both books have been translated into Arabic. Recently he co-edited Women Writers of the Two Sudans, 2019; and edited Sustainable Peace and Future Governance of South Sudan, 2022; and Northern Arabs by Peter Lienhardt, 2022.